I talked with the director of student activities before the school principal returned from his doctor's appointment.
The director was very concerned about my research not to disturb students' regular classroom activities. She cautiously went over students' weekly schedule with me and I found that there was very little time I would be able to work with the kids. In addition, there are around 100 students in each grade, and I will need at least 90 of them to participate.
However, the director excused herself when the principal returned. The conversation with the principal was a lot more encouraging. He was very laid back and enthusiastic about participating. He asked me to come back tomorrow to explain my research to the teachers.
I feel fortunate to have the support from the principal, but it will be a tougher job to convince the teachers, and they are the people I will work closely with.
It's drizzling today, and I'm getting my feet wet :)

Geez, after all these years, you would think uniforms in schools will be cuter by now.
What about giving teachers incentives?
haha, the kids are cute, even in some not so attractive uniforms.
The meeting with the teachers went well. I offered to sub some classes if they want me..
Good luck. That's a place I also want to visit.
Thanks. Maybe I'll see you there next week :)
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