On the Streets
So I am in my homeland where I've been away for years. The feeling is complicated as I found myself seeing the place from an outsider's view while at the same time I would smile at somethings that might make a true outsider raise her eyebrows.
Old Life, New Life, and the Present Life
As I began a new life in California years ago, I left a big part of my old life behind. However, old friends' lives went on without me. Most of them are done with schools. Many of them are working for good pay. Some got married, some broke up and some met new ones, and some are raising kids.
From time to time I think about friends in California, wondering what time it is over there and what is happening to my American friends. Everyone's life goes on, including mine.
Many of the unexpected happened, still many of the expected haven't come yet.
We shall see then.

A typical tea house in HsinChu for afternoon tea.

Honey daisy tea and mountain yam pastry.
1 comment:
hi yulin! don't worry, nothing is new here. :)
(PS - you can cross the street diagonally in Pasadena!)
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